Today’s episode is the second half of a two-part series on property management companies. In part two we’ll be focusing on smaller properties, namely ones that contain under 100 units. Here to help us unpack this fascinating topic is Anthony DeAugustine, the owner of Avant Garde, where he serves as president along with doing the hands-on work of being a designated broker. Tuning in you’ll hear Anthony give an overview of Avant Garde’s offers, how they help their clients invest, and learn how the needs of owners have shifted in response to macroeconomic trends. Anthony explains some of the trends he’s seen over the past few years, including how his clients have diversified their focus to include syndication. We also discuss how Avant Garde helps its clients break into the Phoenix market, how you should approach renovations to optimally drive traffic, and why you need to maintain and improve your customer service as you upgrade your property. For a deep dive into property management companies that focus on smaller properties, along with tons of useful advice, make sure you tune in today!
Key Points From This Episode:
- Get to know today’s guest Anthony DeAugustine and his career journey.
- An overview of Avant Garde and the market that they operate in.
- Owning properties with fewer than 100 units and what clients are usually looking for.
- The types of owners that Avant Garde typically works with.
- How the needs of owners have shifted over the past few years.
- A summary of the range of properties that Anthony manages.
- The number of employment hours that owners can expect to invest in when they own 50-unit properties.
- How to structure your renovations to drive traffic and investment.
- Why syndicators need to bear customer service in mind when they are renovating their properties.
- How owners are reacting to the current economic climate.
- What services you can expect from Avant Garde.
- Why Avant Garde does their best to partner with investors early.
- Some of the most common issues that Anthony has seen due to supply chain disruptions.
- Why owning more than 20 units can help you persevere through broader economic instability.
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Phone Avant Garde at 602-230-1510
Anthony DeAugustine on LinkedIn
Passive Income Through Multifamily Real Estate Facebook Group